
ERP software for Colleges - Modules and Features

"An ERP / College Management Software solution for managing educational institutions such as colleges, schools and universities. Having been developed based on open source technologies, EduManage allows you to share the enterprise-wide information from an integrated database".

Maintains all details of buildings in different geographical locations in an institution. The details of rooms, number of chair/benches in a room can be maintained. The Property Management Software part takes care of the complete index of all moveable and immovable properties of the college.

The details of college/department from the date of inception can be stored under Department History. The Course Management defines and manages the different courses offered by the college. Syllabus for each course can be stored and managed. The timetable for each course can be created to enable the student and the staff to view it. Student and Staff applications can be entered and managed. The status of a student can be changed once admitted into the college. From a student's application, all relevant details such as student pre-college marks, DOTE information, extracurricular activities and scholarship details can be obtained through the software.

Student personal information such as password, address, qualification, extracurricular activities etc., can be maintained using the software. student ID card with bar code can be generated using the system. Student attendance (hourly/daily) can be managed. Student Internal assessment, remarks and warnings can be maintained and respective teachers can access them. Student performance report for the current semester and attendance can be generated

Staff personal information, extracurricular activities, additional qualification can be entered and managed. Staff ID card with barcode can be generated. Staff pay details can be entered and a pay slip can be generated. Staff can view salary details of preceeding months. Staff attendance can be maintained on daily/hourly basis. Leave Application Interface enables the staff to apply for leave through EduManage and get the approval from appropriate authority.

A complete list of the books that are available with the library can be stored and efficiently managed. Transactions such as issue and return of book can be easily managed. Penalty can be entered for delayed return and the details are accessible to accounts department. The system can be configured to send notification to the library member about a pending or late return of books. Search facility to know the availability of books facilitating easy location and lending is available. College library budget and accounts can be managed.

GL ,SL , I&E and Schedule are extensively covered in Accounts Module. Institution income and expenditure can be recorded. Various reports can be viewed on daily, weekly and monthly basis. Exam fees and tuition fees from the students can be accepted and recorded using the interface provided.

College Purchase Request Purchase Order Purchase Order Amendment Goods Receipt Goods Issue /Goods Return By User This software module takes care of total management of hostel. The details of students residing in hostel can be tracked and managed. Mess bill can be generated. Hostel building information, room information (such as number of beds etc) can be maintained. Trial Balance, Income and Expenditure, Balance Sheet can be prepared and maintained.

This module maintains the complete details of the vehicles and the transport employees, student boarding points, route maps and commuter details. Various reports can be generated.

The examination timetable can be prepared. This can be viewed by students as well as the staff . A student can apply online for the exam. Hall tickets with photograph can be generated. This module can help the staff in the process of setting question paper and paper valuation. Mark sheets can be generated for all the students and results can be published online. Invigilator Reports can be recorded for future reference and necessary action.

The inventory of each department's laboratory can be maintained. Transactions such as issue and return of book can be easily managed. Indent can be raised on daily basis and received goods can be logged against indent. The details of daily consumables can be stored. Students observation can be entered on daily basis, which can be used for internal assessment of the student. The penalty details of student can be entered and managed.

All circulars can be posted in online bulletin board. The technical forum enables knowledge sharing and enrichment amongst the students. The details of daily consumables can be stored. Students observation can be entered on daily basis, which can be used for internal assessment of the student. The simple messaging system acts as a message board in general and memo in particular.

Management Reports takes care of all the reports needed by the top-management of the institution like Faculty Absent List For a Day, Trainee Absentees List etc.

Base Modules

  • Department Module

    Department History, Course Management, Syllabus Management, College Time Table, On-line Exam

  • Admission Module

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  • Student Module

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  • Staff Management

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  • Admin Control

    Role definition, Role permissions, Role assignment for users, Audit log, History of functionality usage, Tracking transaction

Other Modules

  • Library Management

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  • Hostel Management

    Hostel Building Information, Rooms Information, Property Information, Inventory, Student Information, Daily Consumables, Accounts

  • Transport Management

    Vehicle Details, Employee Details, Students Boarding Point Details, Bus Route Details, User Information, Route and Bus, Reports

  • Accounts management

    Masters, Reports, General Reports, Statutory Reports, Transactions, College Budget, Institution Asset, Payroll Software, Inventory System

  • Laboratory Management

    Inventory, Indent Software, Received Goods, Daily Consumables, Student Practicals, Information (Observation), Student Penalty

  • General Management

    College Circulars, General Holidays, Income / Dispatch Register, Communication, Technical Forum, Document Management System, Simple Messaging System, Address Folder

  • Fees Management

    Student Fees Definition, Fees Reduction, Scholarship adjustment, Other fees reduction, fee receipt generation, Fees pending list

  • Management Reporting

    Collection of all module reports, Graphs and charts for various analysis, vehicle fuel usage statistics, result analysis, attendance comparison

  • Exam management

    Time Table, Exam Application Form, Hall Ticket, Room Allocation, Exam Attendance, Setting Question Paper, Paper Valuation, Mark Sheet, College Results, Invigilator Reports

best features

Versatile Reporting

Management can have versatile reports customized for their needs.

Multiple user level access

Permission management is made easy with multiple user level access.

Web Based

Just a browser is enough to access it from any where ..

Easily Configurable

Simple and versatile configurable ERP design to suit different customer needs

Experienced Developers

Developed with a string core java and backend Developers.

Layered Architecture

Designed in Layered Architecture so that customization is easily accomodated.

Scalable Design

Software supports any number of cuncurrent users.

Various integrations

Barcode, biometric, RFID, Tally, sms and email servers etc.. are integrated.

User Friendly

The ultimate highlignt of EduManage is the user friendlyness.


  • Locus Technologies
    3-B, SLV Aranya Square,
    01/237, Bharathiar Road (Sarojini Road),
    Women's Polytechnic Junction,
    Coimbatore – 641037
  •    9444924329

About Locus

Locus Technologies Pvt. Ltd.,
is a software company of international repute. The company was established in the year 1999 by a group of young, energetic and experienced IT savvy professionals.

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