Document Storage System - DSS
Document Storage System (DSS) is a software that is built to maintain all the documents and files that are used in an organization. The DSS is built after conducting an extensive research. The uniqueness of this software will be apparent from the following functionalities. The functionalities are classified into 3 different heads.
- Upload: This head deals with the uploading of the documents and files. It also maintains the complete details of the documents that is to be stored
- Search: This head deals with the searching of the uploaded document. It has the following sub-heads
- Simple Search: Simple Search deals with searching of documents based on single criteria
- Detailed Search: Detailed Search deals with searching of documents based on multiple criteria
- Multi-user Environment: This head deals with allocation of multiple users for DSS. The users have restricted access.
- DSS has been developed using the following open source technologies
- J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition)
- Linux
- Apache-Tomcat Web Server
- MySql Database
- Developed on proven open source web technologies
- Highly customizable
- 24/7 online support
- Highly secure
- Portable / Scaleable
- Extensible
- Simple backup procedure